Directory of Christian Social Concern

Disclaimer: This directory is compiled by Malaysian CARE as information only. Listing in our directory does not indicate association or endorsement by Malaysian CARE. We do not promote or recommend any particular therapy, treatment, professional system, service organization, or company.  

We need your help to keep the directory updated and accurate! While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, relocation, re-organization, or closure can affect such listing. Please let us know if you notice any changes or mistakes. To update info or apply to be listed, please click on the button below.

Name of Organization 机构名称 St. Barnabas Church Klang - Welfare/Social Concerns Ministry 巴生圣巴拿巴教会-福利/社会关怀事工
Address 地址 No.4, Jalan Dato Hamzah, 41200 Klang, Selangor
Postal Address 邮寄地址 No.4, Jalan Dato Hamzah, 41200 Klang, Selangor
Phone 电话 03-33728191
Fax 传真 03-33727223
Email 电邮 [email protected]
Website 网站
Type of Organization 机构之类型
Contact Person/s 联络人 Mary Das
Service Categories 服务种类 Community Development 社区发展, Others 其他
Services Provided 提供的服务 Feeding the poor and needy (Every Thursday 8-11am); Food Bank; Help desk for the illiterate and ignorant in EPF, Govt.Welfare Aid and other such Govt.related matters; Student Aid; Migrant School 分发食物予贫穷及有需要者(每逢星期四早上8点至11点),食物银行,帮助文盲有关公积金、政府福利及其他政府相关事宜,学生援助,移民学校
Defined Age